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Some of our recent designs.

Here you will find some details of designs that have recently been completed. We draw inspiration from anything and if possible everything.  



Reuse don't throw!

Unfortunately the wheel trim on our car needed replacing so it was decided to use the cars makers logo into one of our books. We think it works well and is quite unique.


Covid Design

Almost everyone now will have come across the Covid test boxes, how many of these must and been wasted over the past few years. Why not use them, this is just one of three designs we have recently completed.



Bag or Life!

Bag for life, well maybe they all have a life span so then they rip, break and you no longer use the sop rather that throw the bag into landfill give it another life.


Not everything works

Not all our designs work out how we hope, some need a little refining, we were aims for the old bettered looks here but don't think we quite achieved it!

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